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Liberal Arts Society Executives of 2024-2025

  • Academic Coordinator: Nicolas Vyncke
  • Curatorial Coordinator: Melanie Adamson
  • External Coordinator: Sofia Kobrak Andino
  • Finance Coordinator: James Knight
  • General Coordinator: Hannah Gwynne-Timothy
  • Internal-Sustainability Coordinator: Elijah Neville
  • Social Coordinator: Isabella Diplock
  • ASFA Councillor: Khyleigh Brown

  • LAS Bylaws 2022-09-19


    of the  

    Liberal Arts Society 

    Originally drafted on December 15th, 2015

    Amended on September 19th, 2022


    The Liberal Arts Society is the accredited student association representative of the undergraduate students of the Liberal Arts College at Concordia University, Montréal, Québec. Its mission, outlined below, is to provide services to its members and to represent them to the Faculty of the Liberal Arts College, the Arts and Science Federation of Associations, and the Concordia administration.  

    The Bylaws of the Liberal Arts Society and any annexes thereto form the constitution of the Association. They are the binding guide of procedures that the Association shall follow in its proceedings. 

    The Liberal Arts Society acknowledges that Concordia University is on the traditional territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka (Ganiyengéhaaga), a place that has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst nations. The Liberal Arts Society recognizes, and respects the Kanien’kehá:ka as the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which we work and meet. 


    “Academic Year”​:​ ​shall mean the period ranging from June 1st to May 31st of the subsequent year; 

    “Code” or “Constituting System”:​ shall mean the​ Code civil du Québec, RLRQ c CCQ-1991, ch. 64 and any amendment thereto, either past or future, and shall include, in particular, and act or statute which may replace it, in whole or in part. In the event of such replacement, any reference to a provision of the Act shall be interpreted as being a reference to the provision which replaced it;

    “Accreditation Act”​: shall mean the ​Act respecting the accreditation and financing of students’ associations, chapter A3.01 ​(Loi sur l’accréditation et le financement des associations d’élèves ou d’étudiants, L.R.Q., chapitre A3.01), and any amendment thereto, either past or future, and shall include, in particular, and act or statute which may replace it, in whole or in part. In the event of such replacement, any reference to a provision of the Act shall be interpreted as being a reference to the provision which replaced it; 

    ASFA​”: shall mean Fédération des Associations Étudiantes de la Faculté des Arts et Science de l’Université Concordia / Concordia University Arts & Science Federation of Student Associations; 

    “ASFA Council”: shall mean the ASFA Board of Directors;​

    “​the Association​”: refers to the Liberal Arts Society; 

    “​Campaign materials​”: shall refer to any printed matter, paid advertisement in any media, emails, or any other object used to promote or oppose, directly or indirectly, the election of a candidate;

    “Consensus minus one vote”​: shall mean that a question requires that no more than one opposition be expressed in order to pass. Abstentions do not count as opposition. 

    “Coordinators, or the Executive”​: shall refer to the Academic Coordinator, the Curatorial Coordinator, the External Coordinator, the Finance Coordinator, the General Coordinator, the Internal and Sustainability 

    Coordinator, the Social Coordinator, and the ASFA Councillor of the Association, unless otherwise specified. 

    “​the Department”: shall refer to the Liberal Arts College;​

    “​Juridical Day​”: shall mean any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, of the Fall and 

    Winter semester, notwithstanding the exam periods, to the extent that it does not fall on a NonJuridical Day as defined in the Quebec Code of Civil Procedure or which is a University holiday; 

    “Member”: shall mean a member of the Association, as defined in Section IV, unless otherwise​    specified; 

    “​Member Association​”: shall mean a Member Association of ASFA, as defined by ASFA’s bylaws. “Policy”​: shall refer to a binding mandate resultant from a resolution at a duly convened meeting of the members. 

    Polling Period​”: shall refer to a period of at least two (2) consecutive school days during which the polls in an election will be open no later than 10h00 and close no earlier than 17h00; 

    “​Public Notice​”: shall refer to the placement of posters in prominent view at Sir George Williams and/or Loyola campuses, as well as to emails sent to students within the association;

    “Simple Majority”​: shall mean 50% +1 of the votes cast by members, excluding blanks and abstentions, at a regular or duly called meeting, election, or referendum, at which a quorum is present; 

    “Super Majority”​: shall mean 66% +1 of the votes cast by members, excluding blanks and abstentions, at a regular or duly called meeting, election or referendum, at which a quorum is present; 

    “​the University​”: shall refer to Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. 

    Section I: Interpretation 

    1. Rules of Interpretation​. Terms and expressions used only in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and those only importing the feminine gender shall include the masculine and the neutral genders and vice versa. 
    2. Headings. The headings used in the Bylaws shall serve merely as references and they shall​ not be considered in the interpretation of the terms, of the expressions or of the provisions contained therein.  
    3. Precedence. In the event of a contradiction between these Bylaws and higher levels of governance, the latter shall have precedence. 

    Section II: Name 

    1. The name of the Association shall be, in English, the “Liberal Arts Society”. Where the French language is used it shall be “Société des Arts Libéraux”. Its abbreviation shall be “LAS”.  

    Section III: Objects 

    1. The Objects of the Association shall be: 
    1. to form a representative student union to promote the educational, political, social, recreational and cultural interests of its members; to represent the positions of its membership; to obtain gains and prevent losses for its membership; 
    2. to cooperate with other organizations having similar interests in promoting student activities and interests; 
    3. to consider and support activities which enhance the quality of life for students of the Liberal Arts College in particular and of Concordia University in general; 
    4. to be the representative of the undergraduate students of the Liberal Arts College pursuant to the accreditation granted to the Association pursuant to the 

    Accreditation Act. 

    1. to provide for student representation on various boards, councils, and committees of the Liberal Arts College and of the Arts and Science Federation of Associations. 
    2. to engage in such other activities and undertakings as may seem appropriate to the Association, within the constraints of the Code; 

    Section IV: Members 

    1. Any undergraduate student enrolled in an honours, major or minor program in Liberal Arts at Concordia University shall be a Member of the Association. 

    Membership entails the right to vote in all elections, By-Elections, meetings, and referenda; to hold office in the Association, and to enjoy the rights and privileges provided for in the Bylaws. 

    Section V: Executive 

    1. Purpose of the Executive. The Association shall have an Executive Body of seven (7)Coordinators and an ASFA Councillor to oversee its day-to-day operations. The Coordinators shall be elected by the Association membership during the annual General Election, or at the By-Election should a vacancy arise during the term. 
    2. It is understood that the Executive shall act as a team. Every Coordinator has specific duties outlined in these Bylaws; however, every Coordinator is expected to assist their colleagues in their tasks to the best of their abilities. 
    3. The Executive shall appoint three (3) of its Coordinators as signing authorities, and one (1) of its Coordinators as a booking officers. 
    4. Coordinators. The Coordinators of the Association shall be:​     
      1. the Academic Coordinator; 
      2. the Curatorial Coordinator
      3. the External Coordinator; 
      4. the Finance Coordinator;  
      5. the General Coordinator; 
      6. the Internal and Sustainability Coordinator; 
      7. the Social Coordinator; 
      8. ASFA Councillor;
    1. The descriptions of the following executive positions are guidelines for the responsibilities of each member. It is up to the discretion of the executive team in any given year to interpret and potentially alter these responsibilities to fit the strengths and dynamics of that team. Although each member is ultimately responsible to fulfill the duties of their role, it is the duty of the whole Executive team to collaborate with each other within these positions, occasionally overlapping in roles and responsibilities.     
    2. Members of the elected executives shall attend meetings with the agreed-upon frequency. A pattern of unjustified non-attendance will be considered possible grounds for impeachment, to be determined by the current LAS executive team.
    3. Academic Coordinator. The Academic Coordinator shall be the primary liaison between the Association and the Faculty of the Liberal Arts College, the ASFA Academic Caucus, and the Undergraduate Academic Caucus. It shall be their responsibility to coordinate all academic services and events provided for the members. The Academic Coordinator shall be responsible for organizing a curriculum review, and may create a committee for this purpose. They shall be responsible for the organization of the Liberal Arts College Student Academic Conference (LACSAC). They shall be responsible for organizing the first meeting of the Liberal Arts College Theatre Society (LACTS) in the fall semester. They shall be de jure a senior editor of the CORPUS student journal.
    4. External Coordinator. The External Coordinator shall be the primary liaison with the​    Association and external bodies, including, but not limited to, ASFA and the CSU. In the event that no other Coordinator volunteers for any of the following positions, it is understood that the External Coordinator shall act as the ASFA Councillor.  
    5. Finance Coordinator. The Finance Coordinator shall oversee the financial operations of the Association. Their responsibilities shall be to prepare the budget in collaboration with the General Coordinator; to keep the financial book of the Association updated and to prepare reports as outlined in Section XIII: Transparency; to fulfill the financial obligations of the Association as outlined in the Code, including, but not limited to, filing taxes and paying the annual registration fee. The Finance Coordinator shall keep detailed records of all transactions and give these records to the next year’s Finance Coordinator in order to help plan for the next year’s budget and events. When possible, they shall ask for advance funding to help alleviate out-of-pocket costs for events and unanticipated expenses. The Finance Coordinator shall be a signing authority. 
    6. General Coordinator. The General Coordinator shall be the primary representative of the​    Association. They shall be responsible to coordinate the work of the Executive, to chair its meetings, and to chair the meetings of the membership in the event that no other person volunteers. They shall be responsible for the due application of the Association Bylaws, policies, and positions, for the review of the Association’s Bylaws, and may create a committee for the purpose of the latter. They shall be responsible for keeping all the records of the Association in order, including, but not limited to, the minutes of the meetings of the Members. They shall be a signing authority. 
    7. Internal and Sustainability Coordinator. Internal and Sustainability Coordinator shall be responsible for developing and enforcing sustainable practices for the Association’s academic and social events, and for the daily use of the Liberal Arts College facilities. They shall develop and revise policies such as, but not limited to, ethical and sustainable purchasing, waste management, and organizing sustainable events. Sustainability here includes social initiatives, such as creating an inclusive and non-threatening environment for all LAS members. They shall also assist the other Coordinators in their duties.
    8. Social Coordinator. The Social Coordinator shall be responsible for the organizing and​    coordination of the social events of the Association. They shall be responsible for the booking, planning, preparation of the materials, and advertisement of the social events. They may create a committee to assist them. 
    9. ASFA Councillor. The ASFA Councillor shall be the main representative of the Association to its Membership, and to the ASFA Executive. Their main responsibility shall be attending ASFA Councils and to advise their MAs on amendments that are passed during the council. The ASFA Councillor shall be a signing officer, as they are responsible for signing ASFA-related documents.  If the position is not run for independently then the position is assumed under the obligations of the External Coordinator. If the ASFA Councillor is unable to attend a council, they must advise their MAs in advance in order to ensure necessary paperwork arrangements and to secure voting right along with eligibility to participate in a closed session at the council.
    10. Curatorial Coordinator. Responsible for curating and coordinating events across the department in and outside of the lounge, that focus on bringing projects and exhibits into the LAC from other Concordia departments, Montreal societies, educational foundations, etc. They will be a liaison between the closely knit member community and broader university communities, as well as the city at large.
    11. Qualifications. The Coordinators shall be familiar with the Bylaws, the policies of the Association and any annex thereto.
    12. Duties. The Coordinators shall perform the duties provided in this Section and such as are​    prescribed for the office in these Bylaws. The Coordinators shall be subject to the decisions of the General Assemblies and Referendums. 
    13. Accountability. The Coordinators shall report to and be held accountable by the​    membership through the General Assemblies. No action by the Coordinators in their quality of Coordinator shall conflict with decisions taken by the Members at a General Assembly or Referendum. 
    14. Appointed Positions. In the event that one or more executive positions are vacant, the​    elected Coordinators shall have the authority of appointing a Member to fill this position. An appointed Coordinator shall enjoy the same prerogatives and duties, and shall be held accountable to the membership in the same fashion as an elected Coordinator.  
    15. The Executive shall announce the vacant positions by public notice five (5) juridical days before appointing a Coordinator. 
    16. Office Holding Terms Limitations. No member shall hold more than one Executive​    Coordinator position at a time. 
    17. Decisionmaking procedure. The Coordinators shall operate in a nonhierarchical​    fashion. Decisions shall be taken by consensus minus one. 
    18. Term of office. The elected Coordinators’ term of office shall be from June 1st of the year​    of their election to May 31st of the following year. The appointed Coordinators’ term of office shall be: 
      1. from the date of their appointment until the next By-Election if they are appointed prior to the By-Election; 
      2. from the date of their appointment until May 31st of the current academic year if they are appointed after the By-Election. 
    19. Executive Meetings. All Executive Meetings are open to the members, who will have no​    voting rights but will have speaking rights unless the Executive Meeting enters into a closed session, at which point the attendance at the meeting shall be at the discretion of the Executive. 
    20. Discretion. Where the Bylaws confer a discretionary power on the Coordinators, they shall​ exercise such power as they see fit, and shall act prudently, diligently, honestly and faithfully in the best interests of the Association. The Coordinators may also decide not to exercise such power. 
    21. Conflicts of Interest. Coordinators shall avoid placing themselves in a position of conflict​    of interest between their personal interest and that of the Association. In the case where a conflict of interest does arise, the Coordinator shall declare their situation, and remove themselves from any deliberation or vote on the matter. 
    22. Resignation. Coordinators shall inform the Association by writing when they resign.​
    23. The General Coordinator and the Finance Coordinator positions must be filled at all times. Should either of these positions be vacant, the Executive shall appoint a Member to the vacant position within ten (10) juridical days according to the procedure outlined above. Should there be no volunteer, the Executive shall appoint one of its own to fill the vacant position, whereupon the previously filled position is vacated.
    24. Committees of the Assembly. A vote by a majority of the executives shall create committees, standing or ad hoc, as deemed necessary. The creation of the committee shall be announced publicly. Members may join or leave a committee at any time with adequate notice. A committee shall be deemed created only if at least three (3) members signed up. The committee members shall elect a Chairperson at their own discretion. Committee members and chairpersons shall serve until the end of the academic year, or until they are dismissed or replaced. The committees shall have specified objects, and shall report to the General Assembly, and to the executive members. 
    25.  Volunteering. While the Liberal Arts Society maintains an active status as a registered nonprofit organization, members of select committees will be provided with a written acknowledgement of volunteer service and may cite the organization as a reference. The provision of such a certificate is subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in the given volunteer agreement. The registered administrators of the organization reserve the right to issue certificates, while the Executive shall maintain records for future administrations to refer to. The Executive shall upon request provide contact information to past or current volunteers for the purpose of being listed as a reference, as required in Annex C of these Bylaws. (\\\The Executive shall disclose volunteer records to requesters authorized by the given volunteer.)

    Section VI: General Assemblies 

    1. Meetings of the Members. The Association shall be governed by the members through the​  meetings of members, called General Assemblies. These deliberative assemblies are the highest decision-making body of the Association, with the exception of the following actions that shall be voted upon by the mean of a referendum only: 
      1. Creation of a new fee levy; 
      2. Modification or suppression of an existing fee levy; 
      3. Dissolution of the Association 
    2. Regular General Assembly. The Association shall have one (1) Regular General Assembly​    per term. Public notice of the location, time and agenda of the General Assembly shall be distributed to members no less than ten (10) juridical days in advance. 
    3. Annual General Assembly. The General Assembly held in the winter term shall be​    considered the Annual General Assembly. It shall be for the presentation of reports, audit, and any other business that may arise. 
    4. Special General Assembly. A Special General Assembly may be called by the Coordinators,​    by a motion passed at the occasion of an Assembly, and by a petition of fifteen (15) Members. Public notice of the location, time and agenda of the General Assembly shall be distributed to members no less than five (5) juridical days in advance. The purpose of a Special General Assembly is to discuss a specific matter, thus the agenda may not be modified after the notice is given. 
    5. Quorum. The quorum for General Assemblies shall consist of 15 percent (15%) of the​    membership, or twenty (20) members, whichever is lower. 
    6. Disruption of academic activities. Notwithstanding the former article, a motion which​ aims to disrupt regular academic activities shall require in order to be entertained a quorum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership, or thirty (30) members, whichever is lower. 

    Section VII: Referenda 

    1. Referenda are with the General Assemblies the highest decision-making authority of the Association. The creation of a new fee levy, or the modification or suppression of an existing fee levy shall be voted upon by the exclusive means of a referendum. 
    2. Creation. Referenda shall be called by the Coordinators, General Assemblies, or by a​    petition of fifteen (15) members. The proposed question shall be a part of the petition. Referenda shall only take place on the occasion of the By-Election and General Election unless specifically called for another date by a General Assembly. 
    3. Deadline. A referendum question shall be announced no later than five (5) juridical days​    before the first day of polling. 
    4. Clarity. Referenda questions shall be clear and concise and may be subject to change by the​    Chief Electoral Officer for the purposes of clarity. Any change shall be minor and not alter the intended purpose of the petitioner. 
    5. Notice. Public notice of the location, time, and question if already submitted, of the​    Referendum shall be distributed to members no less than ten (10) juridical days in advance. 
    6. Quorum. The quorum for Referenda, unless otherwise stated, shall consist of twenty-five​ percent (25%) of the membership. 

    Section VIII: Elections 

    1. General Elections. General Elections shall be held annually in the month of March for all​    Executive positions by ASFA.
    2. By-Elections. By-Election shall be held in the month of November if at least one of the​    following conditions is met: 
      1. At least one Coordinator position is vacant; 
      2. At least one of the Coordinators is an appointed Coordinator. In this case, the position shall be considered open to election; 
      3. A referendum question has been duly submitted. 

    The procedure for a By-Election is identical to the procedure for a General Election. 

    1. Electors. Every person who is a member of the Association by the first day of the polling​    period is an elector. 
    2. Each Elector may cast one ballot in an election for each office open to election and each referendum question. 
    3. Election Period. An election shall be composed of three periods: the Nomination Period,​    the Campaigning Period, and the Polling Period. 

    Subsection 1: Election Oversight 

    The following subsections (from Section VIII Subsection 1 to Subsection 4) will replace the elections overseen by the ASFA if the ASFA fails to organize General Election and By-Election on behalf of the LAS.

    1. Chief Electoral Officer (CEO). The Chief Electoral Officer shall be appointed by the​     

    Executive. The Chief Electoral Officer shall: 

    1. verify the validity of nomination papers and that all candidates comply with the bylaws; 
    2. provide the candidates with the relevant documentation; 
    3. ensure that the election is properly conducted; 
    4. receive and examine the reports and returns transmitted to him or her; 
    5. ensure that referenda questions are worded in a neutral manner; 
    6. inquire into the legitimacy of the election and its expenses; 
    7. ensure that the election is advertised properly; 
    8. announce the results. 
    1. Deputy Electoral Officers (DEO). The Chief Electoral Officer may appoint at their​    discretion Deputy Electoral Officers to assist them. 
    2. Eligibility. The eligibility requirements for the offices of the Chief Electoral Officer and of​    Deputy Electoral Officer are outlined in ASFA’s bylaws. 
    3. Honorarium. The Chief Electoral Officer shall be paid at minimum the honorarium​    prescribed by ASFA’s bylaws. 

    Subsection 2: Nomination Period 

    1. The nomination period shall last for five (5) juridical days and end before the campaigning period is scheduled to take place. It is during this period that prospective candidates shall give their nomination papers to the Chief Electoral Officer. The nomination paper shall, under the pain of rejection, be filed no later than the last day of the nomination period. 
    2. Candidate requirements. Every candidate shall take the engagement to inform​    themselves of the basic procedures of Robert’s Rules of Order, the Association’s Bylaws and of the functioning mode of student associations such as defined by the Quebec law. These documents shall be provided to them by the Chief Electoral Officer upon their nomination, and be available at their request prior to it. 
    3. Candidate Eligibility. Every member desiring to run for office shall be nominated as a​    candidate for one office in an election by filling out the prescribed nomination paper with the Chief Electoral Officer. 
    4. Nomination Forms. The nomination paper shall state the name of the candidate as well as​    their Concordia I.D. number, address, telephone number, email address, and the office for which they are a candidate. The nomination paper shall include the printed name, signature and Concordia I.D. number of 10 eligible electors. 
    5. The CEO shall have the sole authority to verify the validity of the nomination paper. 
    6. Election Announcement. Prior to the nomination period, the Chief Electoral Officer shall​    issue a public notice to announce the holdings of a General Election or By-Election. Such announcements shall include:  
      1. the title of the offices open for election; 
      2. the place(s) where the nomination forms may be obtained;  
      3. the dates fixed for the filling of nomination papers;  
      4. the dates fixed for campaigning; 
      5. and the dates on which the polling will take place in accordance with these regulations. 
    7. The Chief Electoral Officer will notify the ASFA Internal Officer of the nomination, campaign and polling date at the beginning of the nomination period. 
    8. Upon filing the nomination form, the candidate shall be provided by the Chief Electoral 

    Officer with: 

    1. a receipt for the nomination; 
    2. an electronic copy of annex C of the ASFA Bylaws; 
    3. an electronic copy of the Association Bylaws; 
    4. the dates, times, and locations of all information sessions as soon as they are organized by the Chief Electoral Officers in accordance with these regulations;  
    5. a form to be used for the return of election expenses provided for by these regulations;   
    6. other information the Chief Electoral Officer deems appropriate.  

    Subsection 3: Campaigning Period 

    1. The campaigning period shall last for five (5) juridical days and end before the polling period is scheduled to take place. 
    2. Every candidate shall present to the Chief Electoral Officer before the beginning of the campaigning period a text in which they present themselves. The Chief Electoral Officer shall ensure that these texts are available to Members for consultation during the campaigning period. 
    3. During the campaigning period, a session when the candidates will be present to answer questions shall be organized. The presence and participation of the candidates in this session shall not be mandatory, but strongly encouraged. 
    4. At the beginning of the campaign period, the identity of all candidates will be made public by the Chief Electoral Officer 
    5. The Chief Electoral Officer will notify the ASFA Internal Officer of the candidates running in the election at the beginning of the campaign period. 
    6. Campaign Materials and Placing. Campaign materials may be distributed, posted,​    published, broadcast, or otherwise disseminated only during the campaigning period. Candidates may face penalties if they fail to respect election regulations and Chief Electoral Officer directives. The said penalties are at the discretion of the Chief Electoral Officer, and include but are not limited to: 

    a. Campaigning ban, for a specific media or several, for a given amount of time; b. Disqualification. 

    1. Limitations on Campaigning. No space or facilities maintained by the University and/or​    ASFA and/or its subsidiaries or its affiliated groups and Associations may be used for campaign purposes by any candidate unless it is equally available to all other candidates for the same office. 
    2. Candidate Expenses. Only a candidate, recognized by the Chief Electoral Officer, may incur​    election expenses. Election expenses are defined as the cost of any goods or services used during the election period to promote or oppose, directly or indirectly, the election of a candidate. The maximum amount of election expenses that may be spent by a candidate for a particular office is fifteen dollars ($15). The candidate shall file their claim with receipts to the Chief Electoral Officer, to be reimbursed for their expenses. Every payment of an election expense must be justified by a receipt. 

    Subsection 4: Polling Period 

    1. The polling period shall last for at least two consecutive (2) juridical days, from no later than 10 am and no sooner than 5 pm. 
    2. At the beginning of the polling period, the Chief Electoral Officer shall give a public notice setting forth the following particulars, as the case may be:  
    1. The designation of each office, for which a poll must be held; 
    2. The names of the candidates for each office; 
    3. The referendum question(s); 
    4. The day(s), time(s), and place(s) where polling station(s) will be open for the poll. The particulars relating to the office and the name must correspond to those appearing on the nomination paper 
    1. Election Quorum. The quorum for elections, unless otherwise stated, shall consist of​    twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership. 
    2. Candidate running unopposed. In the event of a candidate running unopposed for a​    position, the ballot shall have options “yes”, “no”, and “abstention”. The candidate shall be elected according to a simple majority. 
    3. Polling Results. The Chief Electoral Officer shall announce the results of the election no​    later than two (2) juridical days after the close of the polling period. The Chief Electoral Officer shall submit the results of the election, including the ballots, to ASFA Internal Officer within five (5) juridical days after the close of the polling period. 
    4. In the event that the Association cannot provide legitimate election results, including, but not limited to electoral fraud, lack of quorum or absence of elections by the given deadline, a Special General Assembly shall be called by the Executive, with a sole purpose to appoint new Coordinators. Coordinators appointed in this fashion shall be considered as appointed Coordinator, not elected Coordinator, and shall therefore have their term terminated at the occasion of the next By-Election. This article does not apply to the By-Election. 
    5. Tie. In the event of a tie for a position, it shall be determined by at least another two (2)​    days of polling, with canvassing after five (5) juridical days but within ten (10) juridical days, should neither candidate withdraw from the election. The Chief Electoral Officer shall determine a five (5) juridical days campaigning period before the polling period. All eligible voters are allowed to vote again. In the event of a tie, the polling period may extend past the March 31st deadline.  

    Section IX: Dispute Resolution 

    1. Adjudication. All disputes and appeals arising between Coordinators of the Association​    concerning the breach, application, or interpretation of the Bylaws, shall be referred to the Judicial Board of the Arts and Science Federation of Associations for ruling. Its decisions shall be binding and final. 
    2. Confidentiality.  During their term, Coordinators shall not make statements deemed​    defamatory or harmful regarding the members, the Association and the Coordinators. Coordinators shall not comment on the participants of any ongoing dispute resolution process.  

    Section X: Removal from Office 

    1. An elected or appointed Coordinator of the Association may be removed from office based on the following:  
    1. unwarranted behaviour deemed hostile and or a threat;  
    2. any violations of the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms; 
    3. misappropriation of funds;  
    4. dereliction of duties or failure to represent the membership as specified in the 

    Association’s Bylaws;  

    1. violations of the Association’s Bylaws; 
    2. violation of the LAS nondiscrimination clause. 
    3. To remove a Coordinator from office, a petition undersigned by ten percent (10%) of the 

    Association members or a super majority vote from the Executive is necessary. The Executive shall then convene a Special General Assembly within fifteen (15) juridical days to address the matter. 

    1. The person to be removed must be given at least a ten (10) juridical days’ notice of the Special General Assembly that shall consider their removal.  
    2. The person to be removed must be given the opportunity to respond to the accusations made against them. 
    3. A removal resolution requires a simple majority. 
    4. A person removed from office shall not be eligible to be appointed to the position of Coordinator for the duration of the academic year unless decided otherwise by a duly-convened General Assembly. 

    Section XI: Arts and Science Federation of Associations 

    1. The Association shall be a Member Association of the Arts and Science Federation of Associations (ASFA). 
    2. ASFA Councillor. The ASFA Councillor shall represent the Association on the ASFA Council.​ As such they are bound in their decisions by the decisions of their membership. In the event that the membership does not have a position on a particular issue, the Councillor shall be bound by the decisions of the Executive taken by consensus minus one. 
    3. The ASFA Councillor shall be responsible to forward all ASFA open session documents and to provide reports on the decisions of the ASFA Council to the rest of the Executive. 
    4. Before the first regular meeting of the ASFA Council, the Executive elect shall appoint one of its Coordinators to be ASFA Councillor. The appointment of the Councillor shall be done by a consensus minus one vote. Two signing authorities of the Association shall attest to this appointment. It shall be presented to the ASFA Internal Officer. It shall be understood that the External Coordinator of the Association will be appointed automatically to the position of Councillor in the event that: 
    1. no other Coordinator volunteers; 
    2. the current Councillor resigns, and no other Coordinator volunteers. 
    1. It is understood that the ASFA Councillor is a fluid position, and their mandate is to represent the Association. As such, any Coordinator of the Association can at any moment fill the position of ASFA Councillor if the Executive agrees unanimously. 
    2. Impeachment. The ASFA Councillor can be impeached by either a simple majority vote of​    the Executive, in which they shall not vote or by a simple majority vote of the membership in a duly convened meeting. Impeachment from the position of Councillor shall not entail impeachment from the position of Coordinator. If the impeachment originates from the membership, the Coordinator shall not be eligible for the position of Councillor until the impeachment is lifted by the membership. 
    3. In the event that the appointed Councillor misses two (2) ASFA Regular Council Meetings without valid justification, they shall be stripped of their position of Councillor, under the same conditions as an impeachment coming from the membership. 

    Section XII: Financial Provisions 

    Section XIIa: ASFA Finances 

    1. Financial Oversight. The Association shall adhere to all of the financial policies set forth in​ Annex B of the ASFA’s Bylaws. The Association shall adhere to any and all additional financial policies approved by a duly convened meeting of the ASFA Council. 
    2. Notwithstanding the former article, the Association shall manage any funds it levies on its own, or receives from any other source with the exception of ASFA, at its own discretion. 
    3. Signing Officers. The Association shall have three (3) signing officers.​     
    4. Personal Inurement. No part of the budget of the Association shall inure to the benefit of,​    or be distributable to its Members, Coordinators, or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable expenses for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the objects of the Association. 

    Section XIIb: Association Finances

    1. So long as it remains both incorporated and accredited, the Association shall maintain a bank account independent from ASFA.
    2. The signing authorities of the Association bank account shall be the General Coordinator and the Finance Coordinator.
    3. All funds and only funds which the Association levies on its own, or receives from any other source with the exception of ASFA, shall be deposited in the bank account.
    4. Funds from the bank account may not be used towards any ASFA-approved budget lines, including purchases pending reimbursement.
    5. Funds may not be withdrawn from the bank account within a given academic year before the approval of an Association budget, separate from the budget received by ASFA at a General Assembly.
    6. The amount of money withdrawn in a given academic year must not exceed the approved budget. 
    7. Approval of a budget is defined as a majority vote in its favour at a General Assembly.
    8. A budget may be amended during a General Assembly by a super majority vote.
    9. Bank account statements for each month must be made available to the members of the Association, including the purpose of given transactions and the signature of both signing authorities. Receipts for transactions involving Association funds must be documented and made public to any member of the Association upon request.
    10. The Association shall include an overview of the Association’s private finances in the annual summary.
    11. In the event of the dissolution of the bank account, all money held in the bank account shall be transferred to ASFA.

    Section XIII: Transparency 

    1. The Executive shall publish the minutes of any General Assembly within ten (10) juridical days. 
    2. The Executive shall publish three (3) updated budget statements per year: 
      1. by October 15th for the June to September (inclusive) period; 
      2. by February 15th for the October to January (inclusive) period; 
      3. by June 15th for the February to May (inclusive) period 
    3. The Finance Coordinator shall be able to produce an updated budget statement upon request within fifteen (15) Juridical Days 
    4. The Executive shall present the following during the Fall General Assembly: 
      1. the previous year’s income statement; 
      2. the projected budget for the coming academic year 
    5. The Executive shall publish an end-of-year report outlining the following by May 31st:
      1. academic and social events; 
      2. decisions taken by the Association; 
      3. other relevant information 

    Each member of the Executive Body shall add to this report an annual summary of all their activities as an executive. 

    Section XIV: Nondiscrimination clause 

    1. All members of the Association are to be treated as equals and not be discriminated against due to gender, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual identity, gender identity, mental ability, physical ability, health status, socioeconomic background, cultural or geographic background, political views, language, philosophical views and appearance. If a member of the Association is found to discriminate against fellow members based on the stipulations above the department principal shall be notified. 

    Section XV: Amendment of Bylaws 

    1. Submission. An amendment of the Bylaws or annexes thereof can be presented to a referendum by the​ Executive, by petition, or by a General Assembly, according to the procedures prescribed by these Bylaws. The proposal of the amendment shall include the details of the proposed changes and the question and shall be announced by public notice no later than five (5) juridical days prior to the General Assembly or the first day of polling where it shall be voted upon in order to be considered. 
    2. Adoption. An amendment to the Bylaws shall be adopted when approved by:​     
      1. a two-thirds (⅔) vote at the occasion of a General Assembly; 
      2. a simple majority on the occasion of a Referendum. 

    The General Coordinator shall notify the Arts and Science Federation of Associations of Bylaw amendments within ten (10) days of adoption. 

    Section XVI: Dissolution 

    1. The Association shall be dissolved by referendum if a simple majority of the entire membership votes “yes” for an explicitly stated question that defines the dissolution of the Association. In the wake of dissolution, ownership of all documents, funds and assets will be transferred to the Arts and Science Federation of Associations. 


    As amended on October 15, 2015 


    “the Association”: shall refer to the Liberal Arts Society, abbreviated as LAS. “LACTS”: shall refer to the Liberal Arts College Theatre Society. 


    1. The Liberal Arts College Theatre Society, also referred to as LACTS, shall be a committee of the Association. Although it will function in an independent manner, it will be held accountable by and will have to justify its expenditures to the Association, nor may it exceed the budget allotted it by the Association. 


    2. The purpose of the LACTS shall be to organize an annual theatre production. The LACTS  shall also be responsible for the organization of the meetings concerning the choice of a play.  The play shall be voted upon by the members of the LACTS in the fall term, after the inclusion of the new members in the committee. 


    3. Any member of the Association that previously partook in the Association production shall be a member of the committee if they so wish. Any other member of the Association may be voted in by the committee to ensure their commitment. Moreover, the Director and/or Co-Directors, the Delegate to Finance and the Delegate to Communication shall be de facto members of the committee. 

    4. The following functions shall be occupied within the LACTS 

    – The Director or Co-Directors 

    – The Delegate to Finance 

    – The Delegate to Communication 

    5. The Director: The Director shall be responsible for the artistic direction, and directly accountable to the Delegate to Finance for the expenditures of the production. The Director cannot be the President of the Association. They shall have access to the LACTS e-mail account. 

    6. The Delegate to Finance: The Delegate to Finance shall be responsible for overseeing the financial matters of the production and creating a report at the end of the production to be submitted to the Association. They will have to produce the budget of the production to the Finance Coordinator of the Association upon request. 

    7. The Delegate to Communication: The Delegate to Communication shall be responsible for the communications between all the parties involved in the production. They shall be responsible to record the decision of the committee and the minutes of its meetings, and to keep updated the list of its members. The Delegate to Communication shall oversee the LACTS e-mail account.


    8. The membership in the committee is designed for but not restricted to members of the Association. During its last meeting of the winter term, the committee shall meet the Internal and Sustainability Coordinator elected for the following year and shall be responsible for finding among itself members who shall resume their engagement during the following fall term. 

    9. Director. Applicants will have a period of at least five (5) Juridical Days to present their candidature to the LACTS. This period of candidature shall take place during the fall term and will have to be announced at least ten (10) Juridical Days before the application period.  Candidature shall be restricted to members of the Association. Should two persons wish to co-direct, they may apply as such. In the event that nobody from the Association desires to apply, a non-member will be allowed to apply if they are recommended by a member of the Association. The electoral body shall be composed of the members of the LACTS and of the  Executive Body of the Association. The decision shall be communicated no later than five (5) Juridical Days after the end of the application period. 

    10. Appeal. If an applicant is not satisfied with the decision made to appoint the Director, they can appeal within ten (10) Juridical Days of the appointment. An appeal may be made by a  petition of at least fifteen percent (15%) of the Association members. If those requirements are fulfilled, the appointment of the Director shall be voted upon by all the members of the  Association during a duly convened referendum. 

    11. Removal from office. A member of LACTS, including the Director, may be removed from office on the same grounds and with the same requirements as a Coordinator of the Association. 

    Relationship to the Association 

    12. Meetings. The LACTS shall meet at its own discretion. Attendance at these meetings is restricted to the LACTS members and the Association Executive unless otherwise specified by the aforementioned. However, only members of LACTS may be allowed to vote on issues pertaining to the production. The LACTS shall meet at least once every six weeks during the fall and winter terms. Any decision taken by a member of the LACTS pertaining to the production shall be revocable by a super majority vote of the members. 

    13. Financial Responsibility. The LACTS shall entrust its financial assets to the Association at the end of the winter term, and these assets shall be returned to the LACTS at the beginning of the following fall term.


    Drafted October 24, 2017, last amended November 02, 2017.  The Liberal Arts College Student Journal Committee de facto adopted this annex as a charter on November 02, 2017.  The Liberal Arts Society voted to adopt this annex into the bylaws on February 01, 2018.


    “the Association”: shall refer to the Liberal Arts Society, abbreviated as LAS.


    1. The Liberal Arts College Student Journal Committee also referred to as the Journal Committee, shall be a committee of the Association. Although it will function independently, it will be held accountable by and will have to justify its expenditures to the Association, nor may it exceed the budget allotted it by the Association. 


    2. The purpose of the Journal Committee shall be to annually publish an academic journal. It shall offer the student body a platform they can use to publish their writing, as well as to showcase their talents and to advertise personal projects.  Moreover, the journal hopes to allow affiliated students to develop skills that will prove useful. The journal name shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the Journal Committee.

    Formation of Committee

    3. The formation of the Journal Committee shall begin near the end of the winter semester preceding their tenure.  Should there be any members of the Association that were Editors on the Journal Committee in a previous year, they shall be Editor(s) if they wish so.

    4.  The Academic Coordinator shall be de jure an Editor of the Journal.  However, this position of Editor does not necessarily include any responsibilities other than the voting rights that Editors hold.

    5.  If the Academic Coordinator sees fit, they shall organize a sign-up sheet for new Editors near the end of the winter semester of the year preceding their tenure.  Any member of the Association interested in the position of Editor for that following year may apply.  These applicants shall submit a short letter of intent expressing their interest and relevant experience in the Journal.  The Internal and Sustainability Coordinator may thereby appoint Editors from the pool of applicants and shall be held accountable for this choice.  A member of the Association may also apply to the position of Editors if there is no sign-up sheet, and their letter of intent will be stored by the Academic Coordinator.

    6.  Appeal. If an Association member is not satisfied with the decision made to appoint the Editor(s), they can appeal within ten (10) Juridical Days of the appointment. An appeal may be made by a petition of at least fifteen percent (15%) of the Association members. If those requirements are fulfilled, the appointment of the Editor(s) shall be voted upon by all the members of the Association during a duly convened General Assembly, which shall include the option to vote for no new Editors.

    7.  The Editor(s), once appointed, shall all have equal power amongst themselves.  The vote of the Academic Coordinator as Editor shall be of equal weight to those of the other Editor(s). The board of Editors shall have ultimate authority of the Journal Committee, save that they cannot veto a removal from office (see article 13).

    8.  The board of Editors may, by unanimous agreement, elect a member of the Association to be an Editor.

    9.  A person may become a member of the Journal Committee based upon a unanimous decision from The Editors. The membership in the Journal Committee is designed for but not restricted to members of the Association.

    10.  It is recommended that the following functions be occupied by members of the Journal Committee:

            -The Poetry and Short Story Delegate

            -The Visual Arts Delegate

            -The Financial Delegate

            -The Graphic Design/Layout Delegate (InDesign/Illustrator)

    as well as any other functions deemed as fit.  These functions may be undertaken by the Editor(s) or by other members of the Journal Committee.

    11.  Removal from office. A member of the Journal Committee, including an Editor, may be removed from the Journal Committee on the same grounds listed in Section 8 paragraph 82 of these by-laws. A member shall be removed from office either by a super majority vote of the Journal Committee members or if fifteen percent (15%) of the Association members decide so.

    Relationship to the Association

    12.  The Journal Committee shall meet at its own discretion. Attendance at these meetings is restricted to the Journal Committee and the Association Executive unless otherwise specified by the aforementioned. However, only the Editor(s) may be allowed to vote on issues pertaining to the Journal and to the Journal Committee.  The Editor(s) may, however, vote to extend voting rights to all members of the Committee, and are recommended to do so for issues not essential to the makeup of the journal.

    13. Financial Responsibility. The Journal Committee shall entrust its financial assets to the Association at the end of the winter term, and these assets shall be returned to the Journal Committee at the beginning of the following fall term.